Concierge bidding allows volunteers to bid on behalf of bidders. You will want to have your volunteer’s login through a unique URL that only gives them permissions to the butler. In Software Settings – Auction Settings – Butler you will see a blue box with Login Details. This includes the unique URL to the butler that you can place on an iPad or a laptop for your volunteers. You will want to do this for security purposes. On the login page, use your event keyword from the Keyword field, Username or Email, and password for Password. Once logged into the butler, the volunteers have the opportunity to bid on behalf of the bidder under the section Add A Live Bid/Multi-Sale/Silent Bid. Here, they will enter the bidder number, the item number, and the amount, if applicable. Once the volunteer presses the add a bid button, the volunteer will have successfully placed a bid for the bidder. If the bidder is outbid, they will receive an outbid notice via text message.