Opening Your Auction

When you created your event within ClickBid, you chose a start date and time. These dates and times can be confirmed on your homepage under Important Dates. If you would like to change the dates or times for your auction start, you can submit a support request by going to Training/Support – Request Support or click on the underlined hyperlink.

You can also open your auction earlier than your scheduled start time if you feel you are ready to go. You can do this under the Software Settings – Landing Page Content – Login/Register tab and the Open Auction Early option. Switch this setting to yes. 

To be considered “open”, your auction closing date must be in the future and your auction start must be in the past, or Open Auction Early switched to yes, and you must have active or closed auction items with closing times in the future. 

When your event is open, your bidders can begin to login and bid on any active items within your auction. Pro tip: make sure to verify this before sending announcement messages!